Small Business Website $1,899



Our commitment to you. Every client, large or small, will receive the best care and support we can provide. We select team members and vendors to assist Red Coyote Services who offer the level of support we expect, allowing us to deliver and provide the highest level of support for all.

Red Coyote Services is a client-centric organization formulated over decades of consistent and caring attention to our customers developed by the i5 web works management team.

The predecessor to Red Coyote Services was i5 web works, a company we managed for 22 years. We sold to Nav Media, with i5ww becoming part of Nav Media/On Target.  i5 was our first client-centric company with a genuine focus on customers, their well-being, and our desire to provide a rich personal service.

We, all of us at i5 and now at Red Coyote Services, dealt with companies large and small every day.  And as long as everything worked smoothly, we had no concerns.  Occasionally, we need to be a responsive company for that inevitable exception where the product or service fails.  When that happened, we wanted to be a company who have the ability and desire to deal with the issue at hand and resolve it to our client’s satisfaction.  That culture was the foundation that became Red Coyote Services.  We care and will do what is necessary to restore your service or fix your product. Period!

Red Coyote Services doesn’t have AI bots to answer the phone.  Nor do we send you to a call center where English is the second or third language of the person trying to assist you.  We believe we need to talk with our clients to understand the issue or issues at hand. Yes, we know that the concept of talking is old fashion and totally out of time in this digital age.

We cannot always answer your call immediately, but we will be responsive and work to correct the issue promptly.

Please don’t take our word for it.  Go to Websites We Built and Host and ask them.

Or, call us, and we will talk about your expectations and how we might work with those expectations.  If calling is too personal a first step, send us a note,



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