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Truthfully, SEO requires endless ongoing work. One can easily spend an entire working year focusing squarely on this discipline and nothing else, which means an abundant opportunity for growth is always there for the taking. Therefore, you must take a step back and focus on opportunities that can make the biggest difference right now.

With this in mind, let’s discuss a few ideas to focus your energy on for an instant SEO boost:

1. Score as Many Reviews as Possible

This could mean Google reviews for your company search listing or perhaps specific products as they are added. Beyond this, you’ll also want to scatter reviews all over your website.

As third-party data, reviews not only boost your search rankings/visibility but also convince prospective customers that you’re worth partnering with. What’s more credible than honest, objective opinions from people who have already experienced your product or service?

Worried about negative reviews? Don’t be. You can transform these into amazing customer service stories. Simply resolve the issue publicly so potential customers can see, plain as day, that you’ll fix any potential problems that may arise with their purchase or experience. This builds an incredible amount of confidence.

Never manipulate your reviews and follow up customer experiences with an emailed invitation/link politely requesting an honest assessment.

2. Use Customer-Generated Photos

Don’t these frequently look odd and “unprofessional”? Well, yes…but quite frankly, that doesn’t matter. After all, customers don’t want a site experience that’s completely controlled by your company—which reeks of bias and a lack of objectivity.

While customers of course want your site to look organized and reflect a sense of care, they also want to understand what it’s like to actually experience your product or service. As such, customer photos offer a far more real and authentic experience than any expensive professional photo or costly stock image ever could.

Familiarize yourself with Yotpo, which at one point increased sales by 24% by adding customer-generated photos to their site. From an SEO perspective, include phrases that accurately describe what’s happening in the photo using natural language (in the image alt text)—scoring you search engine exposure. When customers click over to your site and see that photo (instead of a “professional” yet clearly staged photo like nearly every other business has), you have a far greater chance of winning their business.

Wrapping Up

Yes, it’s true: SEO gets creative like this today. But with every little edge you can find, the better off you (and your business) are.



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