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Do Business Blogs Still Make Sense in 2022 and Beyond?

Remember when a “blog” was this incredible and unique thing that made you stand out from your competitors? What connotation does the word “blog” carry for you now?

After all, everyone has one. Has it become this negative term because the only reason to have one is to keep Google happy? You know…you churn out a bunch of words, get no extra customers or sales from it, and then do it all over again. Ugh! Curse that stupid blog, just another time-eater in a sea of the same.

Whether or not you feel this way, know that blogs are still potent business-building assets in 2022. However, the uniqueness factor isn’t what sells them anymore. Today, more than ever, your blog must have a sense of usefulness for your audience.

How to Maximize Blog-Driven Sales

It’s practically impossible to measure the precise sales value of your blog because blogs operate as a stop along the customer sales journey.

First, customers read your blog post. Then, they subscribe to your email newsletter and follow you on social media. Finally, they read another blog post. Since you’ve kept their attention as such a helpful resource, these people become paying customers. This process can take a year, or perhaps even two.

So, to what degree is your blog responsible for these sales? Is it 25%, 35%, 50%, 90%, or even more? It isn’t easy to measure, but it certainly plays a role and attracts consumer interest. With this in mind, here are some tips on using your blog to generate more sales moving forward:

  1. Intimately Understand Your Readers

Publishing a blog post doesn’t mean your readers will care about it. Many blogs suffer from the acute problem of not winning any interest.

Thankfully, it’s easy to figure out what to write about in your blog (or shoot a video about if you decide on a video blog) that will capture consumer hearts and minds. Which questions do customers ask you in person all the time? After repeatedly answering the same questions, key themes emerge that you can draw inspiration from. Or instead, ask your customers in person: “What would you like to know more about? What new information can we share with you?”

Not every one of these ideas will be a smash hit, but each will carry utility for various customer segments, drawing in additional readers and providing more data on what they like and don’t like.

  1. Share Customer Stories

“Facts tell, and stories sell,” so goes the marketing cliché. Whether or not you like sayings, they contain a boatload of truth.

You can share facts supporting proof of your product or service performance with your customers all day long…and summon nothing but yawns in return. They won’t act—and they certainly won’t buy.

Instead, relay customer stories on your blog from time to time. Make sure you share the problem they initially faced that ultimately led them in your direction, discussing why they opted to go with you instead of competitors. Show how they used your product or service, and then share the results.

There’s no need to write like you’re the next J.K. Rowling. Just tell the story and watch customers roll in like crazy, as customers facing the same problems and concerns will head your way. To access diverse market segments, highlight stories featuring varying issues and solutions. It works—try it!

Wrapping Up

So yes: your blog is a potent marketing tool. These tips will help generate the sales you’ve always dreamed of while acting as a strategic guide for developing the most potent, efficient blog content possible.



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