Small Business Website $1,599
855-565-7895, 520-543-4480

Looking to amp up your search engine presence and win more customer eyeballs? Ladies and gentlemen, feast your browsers on Google’s Business Profile center. This local business listing service offers one of the easiest ways to promote your site to customers or prospects. And, as we all know, there are plenty of those folks out there on the World Wide Web!

Google a business—any business—followed by the city of your choice, and Google will return a list of relevant business listings, their phone numbers, URLs, and a map marked with their locations within the city. Then, click on the name of one and you’ll go directly to its website. These pages, hosted by Google, are loaded with basic company details (business hours, contact info, acceptable payment methods, etc.). More advanced material is available as well such as pictures, websites related to the company, and user-added content. The best features of the page, however, are user reviews. Provided they’re mostly positive, customer endorsements can do more for your business than paid ads ever could.

Grabbing one of these listings for your company is about as simple as flicking on the lights in your office or store each morning. Even better? The service is free through Google. All you need to do is sign up and supply the content of your choice to get your business on Google’s radar.

As with anything on the web, however, there are some tricks to launching and keeping your business near the top of the listings. These include adding fresh content, using the right keywords, promoting your listing page, and garnering customer reviews. With this in mind, I5 Web Works knows all of these tricks and more. Enlist our help to establish your local business listing and boost your chance of popping up in relevant searches. Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it?



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