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Many SEO marketers believe Google gives special preference to larger companies in its search rankings. We’re not sure if that’s in fact true, but it’s definitely an opinion floating around out there.

Even if it isn’t, the daunting task of competing with big companies online is undeniable. Plus, because nearly everyone searches online prior to buying, you’re practically forced to compete with other companies for online attention. With such intense competition, what can you do to ensure you won’t lose out on great search rankings?

Find out how right now:

  1. Have a Tightly Defined Target Market

Casting a wide net takes a lot of time and money—and especially so online. If you’re struggling to compete, narrow down who you target in the digital space. That way, you can create content that’s highly relevant to them.

This means you’ll capture more interest, and securing more initial interest means you’ll convert more customers later on. Once you’ve mastered a specific niche, you can tack on another one.

  1. Do THIS with Your Content to Attract More Attention

With respect to content, you’ll hear most SEO marketers discuss the concept of “relevance.” After all, it’s certainly important to write stuff your market actually cares about. Yet, while going this route may spark interest, it likely won’t get you the sales you want.

That’s because, with content, your customers are more likely to respond with buying behavior when they learn why they need to change. They also respond more frequently when you teach them new and different ideas they can use to improve their lives and businesses.

  1. Use Personal Relationships to Your Advantage

One great benefit of online marketing is your ability to speak directly to a select group of people. The advantage is that you can make this messaging more personal, which will always sell better (especially compared to content provided by large corporations).

With this in mind, make it clear who the person is behind your business. Write from an “I” perspective rather than “we.” Show customers how they can directly interact with you, the owner: making it clear they won’t have to go through other people if they have a complaint.

  1. Gobble Up Lots of Reviews

With big companies, you’ll never see dozens of customer reviews directly discuss the quality of company products or services when you perform an online search. However, with small and local businesses, Google reviews pop right up: presenting a huge opportunity for you to win trust right there.

Therefore, make sure you have at least a 4-star rating and 10 reviews. The more you can get, the better. If you fall a little short of the good rating you want, scour the complaints to learn how to improve your business.

Wrapping Up

Can you compete with the big dogs? You bet. Just keep those four things in mind and you’ll do fine.



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