While this may seem obvious to some, let’s shout it from the rooftops for the people in the back: NEVER put all of your digital marketing eggs into a single basket. While some businesses may choose to prioritize e-mail, PPC, SEO, or social media marketing, a mix of the same is truly ideal when it comes to digital marketing success. Let’s explore this strategy a little further, starting with the (ever-so-present) role Google plays in this regard.
Unfortunately, Google Can Change the Rules Whenever It Wants
For the most part, Google has made the Web a more interesting, valuable, and less spammy place. Yet, it still remains far from perfect all these years later. Some sites (both large and small) get penalized when they shouldn’t. Likewise, a single algorithm change can wipe out 80-90% of organic traffic: literally bankrupting businesses and causing nightmares for digital marketers in the blink of an eye.
So, which exact mix of digital marketing is right for your business? The answer to this question ultimately depends on your company’s unique needs. Let’s examine a few different digital marketing methods to learn how you can diversify your strategy and put these to work for you in the most efficient way possible:
All these years later, this one continues to shine through as digital marketing’s bread and butter. Once you get it working and start winning leads from the internet, it has an exceptional ROI. However, if you wind up getting penalized (justifiably or not), you can throw away years of hard work, thousands of dollars, and 90% of your business in a heartbeat: so, you’ll want to tread carefully here.
Paid search is the best way to get leads right now, and just about every business should pair this with their organic SEO practices. However, you need to carefully monitor related costs: which can skyrocket out of control in a flash. PPC, nevertheless, offers a great opportunity to get leads in the door within a few weeks’ time—and in the absence of distressing Google penalties!
Growing social profiles is a tricky and time-consuming undertaking. However, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are a must in today’s digital marketing climate. They also add a nice source of business if your online marketing efforts aren’t already highly diversified.
This one can rise or fall with the success or failure of your organic search marketing efforts. Yet, a nice-sized list is a good hedge against a Google penalty if you are in fact slapped with one.
Wrapping Up
It should now be crystal clear why you should never rely on a single digital marketing tactic. Moreover, in the event that things go wrong, you at least have a good insurance policy. Set your priorities, accordingly!