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“Influencer marketing” is yet another form of marketing you should care about. But why, exactly?

McKinsey, a highly respected business research company, found “marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising.”

Think about it…which of these would you more likely buy into? Your best friend’s sky-high praise of a local steak restaurant or a TV commercial claiming this same establishment has a tasty porterhouse?

The online world is all about relationships and word-of-mouth. Due to the ease with which this information travels, word-of-mouth now works far faster and spreads to more people than it ever did before. So, “influencer marketing”—which basically means building relationships with people who have a large online following and encouraging them to promote your company—is a big deal.

What makes influencer marketing work? Try three tactics:

  1. Give Them Something First

The easiest way to encourage influencers to help you out is to do something for them first. How this works out ultimately depends on what you’re seeking from the influencer.

If you’re after a simple social share, you won’t have to do much; just send an email informing the influencer about the amazing content you just published.

If you’re looking for a plug in an email, this will likely cost you some money. However, you may be able to negotiate a deal wherein he or she promotes your business via email in exchange for the same thing on your end (provided your email list is sizable enough).

  1. Make Sure You Have a Measure of Success

What is it that you really want to get out of your influencer marketing campaign? This might take shape as:

Whatever is most valuable to you will serve as your definition of success.

  1. Don’t Over-Emphasize the Size of a Following

To a certain extent, the size of an influencer’s following does make a difference. Nevertheless, don’t make that the primary factor you use to determine whether or not to engage someone you might want to collaborate with.

Instead, consider overall community engagement. How many followers do they have? You can then divide that number by likes, shares, and comments per post. That gives you a much better idea of how engaged their audience is. After all, a smaller but more engaged audience drives far more leads than a large one that doesn’t care.

Wrapping Up

Does influencer marketing work? Absolutely. And it can work wonders for your SEO when done right.



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